Get a picture
of jaundice
at home

A jaundice screening device approved for clinical use by healthcare professionals and caregivers

Get a picture
of jaundice
at home

A jaundice screening device approved for clinical use by healthcare professionals and caregivers 

The first
two weeks
can be hard
to picture

In those precious early days with your little one, jaundice is hopefully the last thing you should have to worry about. However, being prepared for it can offer some reassurance.

It is common for newborns to develop jaundice, and early detection is important to prevent any serious complications. Although healthcare professionals typically assess newborns shortly after delivery, symptoms of jaundice may not become apparent until a few days later. Even then, symptoms can be difficult to detect without the help of advanced technology. Our easy-to-use app lets you screen your newborn for jaundice wherever you are, using just your smartphone and the Picterus® Calibration Card. The results should always be reviewed by your midwife or doctor, who can determine if further evaluation is necessary.

Sleeping baby

A jaundice screening
device approved for
clinical use

Experience smart guidance

The app always ensures correct camera distance, positioning and quality before capturing photos for analysis.

Get reliable results in seconds

Picterus Jaundice Pro is designed to provide fast and reliable results, offering a safer screening than what the naked eye is capable of.

Screen for jaundice anywhere

All you need is the app and a colour calibration card to turn your smartphone into a flexible jaundice screening device that can be used anywhere in the world.

A jaundice screening
device approved for
clinical use

Experience smart guidance

The app always ensures correct camera distance, positioning and quality before capturing photos for analysis.

Get reliable results in seconds

Picterus Jaundice Pro is designed to provide fast and reliable results, offering a safer screening than what the naked eye is capable of.

Screen for jaundice anywhere

All you need is the app and a colour calibration card to turn your smartphone into a flexible jaundice screening device that can be used anywhere in the world.

How to use it

Start the Picterus® Jaundice Pro app on your phone

Place the Picterus® Calibration Card on a flat section on the upper chest of the newborn

Align the camera with the calibration card

The app automatically takes pictures

Immediate result


Illustrated guide book

Enhance your smartphone camera capabilities with our patented colour calibration card. The app guides you to perfect lighting and positioning, automatically capturing photos for immediate analysis.


Illustrated hands with a plus sign in between

Did you know that most newborns develop jaundice, a condition that causes a yellowish tint on their skin and eyes? It is usually harmless, but in some cases, it can lead to serious complications.


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Whether you want to learn more about Picterus® Jaundice Pro or have questions about career opportunities, we are here to help. Reach out to us for any information or support you need.

Exciting News from Picterus and Intermountain Health!

We’re incredibly excited to announce our expansion into the United States, thanks to our partnership with Intermountain Health.
Together, we’re on a mission to revolutionize newborn care!