This is
Jaundice Pro

Picterus® Jaundice Pro is a jaundice screening device approved for clinical use by healthcare professionals and caregivers. It allows you to screen your newborn quickly and reliably wherever you are. The results should always be reviewed by your midwife or doctor, who can determine if further evaluation is necessary.

Picterus colour calibration card and smartphone application

This is how it works

Picterus colour calibration card

Picterus® Calibration Card

The colour calibration card adjusts for lighting conditions and enhances smartphone camera performance.

Smartphone with the Picterus Jaundice Pro application

Picterus® Jaundice Pro

The app ensures correct camera distance, positioning and quality and automatically takes six photos when aligned with the calibration card.

Jaundice on different skin colours

Bilirubin screening service

Each picture is then analysed using our patented calculation model, which presents the bilirubin screening in the app within just a few seconds.

How yellow is
a banana?

Jaundice is often characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes. But it is difficult to determine when the skin turns too yellow by eye. By the time symptoms of jaundice are clearly visible to the naked eye, irreversible damage might already have occurred.

This is why Picterus® Jaundice Pro can offer a safer screening than a visual inspection, whether used in hospitals or at home. 

Picterus colour calibration card behind bright yellow banana

How to use it

Follow these steps to get an accurate bilirubin
screening in just a couple of seconds:

Start the Picterus® Jaundice Pro app on your phone

Place the Picterus® Calibration Card on a flat section on the upper chest of the newborn

Align the camera with the calibration card

The app automatically takes pictures

Immediate result

How to get started

All that is required to use Picterus® Jaundice Pro is a calibration card and the app. 

One calibration card can be used for multiple screenings on the same newborn.

The app can be downloaded for free from your app store. It has been tested to work with a wide range of modern smartphones, including Android and iOS.