Evaluation of a Smartphone Based Diagnostic Tool to Assess Neonatal Jaundice in a Mexican Population

Hospital Materno-infantil Irapuato, Guanajuato

Participants: 166 newborns

  • Age: 0 – 14 days
  • Gestational age: >35 weeks
  • Birth weight ≥ 1500 g


Aim: to evaluate the performance of Picterus Jaundice Pro in newborns of a Mexican population.

Methods: observational cross-sectional study correlating methods of measuring bilirubin levels by:

  • Images (Picterus JP)
  • Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) measurements


Results: Bilirubin measurements from Picterus are highly correlated to TSB levels. These results also included newborns under 24 hours old.

This project was part of a thesis in a master of global health at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Trondheim, Norway. Data are submitted for scientific publication.

Read more about the study here >

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