Please select a country to see availability:
To be able to use Picterus® Jaundice Pro you need to purchase Calibration Cards and Scans. One Calibration Card can be used multiple times in the same newborn.
Choose the number of Picterus Calibration Cards and/or the number of Scans you would like to purchase
Add to cart and complete checkout
Once your purchase is completed, your Calibration Cards will be shipped to your address and the code to activate Scans will be sent to your email
Follow the instructions in the email to activate the Scans in your App and you are ready to start!
Track your available Scans – in your User profile you can always check how many Scans you have left. In case needed you can always buy additional Scans through the Picterus Shop in the App or on the website.

1 Picterus® Calibration Card
€ 8,00

5 Picterus® Calibration Cards
€ 15,00

20 Picterus® Calibration Cards
€ 60,00

50 Picterus® Calibration Cards
€ 150

3 Scans
€ 24,00

10 Scans
€ 66,00

50 Scans
€ 266,00

Card Holder
€ 5,00
Available on backorder
Picterus Card Holder
The Picterus Card Holder facilitates the handling of the Picterus® Calibration Card,
helping to maintain hygiene and ease of use during jaundice screening. The Picterus Card Holder acts as a protective barrier between the Picterus® Calibration Card and a newborn’s skin. Proper cleaning of the Picterus Card Holder between uses helps ensure hygienic handling and preserves the safe and effective use of the Picterus® Calibration Card. Made of a biocompatible, durable plastic, the Picterus Card Holder is compatible with alcohol-based cleaning solutions.
For a full demonstration of how to use and clean the Picterus Card Holder, please watch this video.
- There will be no expiration date on the Scans purchased.
- You will only be charged for successfully completed Scans; this is indicated by a bilirubin value that can be used for clinical decisions.
- Whether you are using Picterus® Jaundice Pro in a hospital or for home-based care, our pricing adapts to your needs, making it a cost-effective solution for providing high-quality newborn care.
Are you interested in a subscription or would you like to place a bulk order?
address: KRoom 1003, 10/F, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Didier Verlinden (CEO)
email: didier@belasialabs.com
Bob Michel Karreman
Contact: bob@picterus.com
8TiO LTD Sofia
address: Slav Karaslavov str. 20, building 3, City Jarden, Bulgaria
email: hello@8tio.com
Svetoslav Popov (CEO)
email: sspp@abv.bg
phone: +359883522241
AdQuipment Medical
address: Chr Huygensweg 25D, 3225 LD, Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands
email: info@adquipment.nl
phone: +31 181 301 300
Huub Jonkers (CEO)
email: hjonkers@adquipment.nl
phone: +31 181 301 301
Irma Damhuis (Account Manager Neonatology)
email: idamhuis@adquipment.nl
phone: +31 (0)181 301 306
Thank you for your interest in Picterus.
We are not currently registered for use in your selected country.
Please stay in touch as we are working hard to make Picterus available in all locations.
Please follow us @picterus_juandice on instagram or on LinkedIn for updates.
Should you have any questions please do not hesistate to write to us on contact@picterus.com
Thank you.
This product is not available for commercial use in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Australia, or Japan.